I 'made' the fabric recently for a doll I'm working on with a Group I belong to, and thought I would use a piece left over. It is a mixture of fancy fabrics covered with chiffon, free machine stitched all over, then blasted with a heatgun. I added the three little green inches, as this was part of the fabric, but missing in the postcard! Blue and Green should always be seen - that's what I say!
I recently bought a fantastic book by Patti Medaris Culea (who introduced me to Cloth Doll Making) called Creative Cloth Explorations, in which she explains how to create a flat image of a face in cloth. I highly recommend the book - the illustrations are wonderful and full of inspiration.
This is the pattern I created, following Patti's instructions, but using a drawing from the Linda Ravenscroft Book I have on How to Draw and Paint Fairies - another book I would highly recommend!
You can see here that I have attached the 'hair' to the face and fused her to the background, having first made and stitched down her wings........