This Life Book on-line course is turning out, at the moment, to be rather 'deep thinking'! Bonnie Rose (this week's tutor) writes in her introduction: "This project is all about using symbolism to depict the very differet parts of yourself, coexisting in balance and harmony. It is a deeply personal and intensely introspective project .... to look inward into oneself, and represent, using archetypes or other imagery, both the light and dark aspects of your inner being . This is no small task!"
Bonnie illustrated the Workshop by drawing two Goddesses with various attributes written down, but she illustrated her drawings using ink, (a ballpoint pen) and hatching and cross hatching to create the shading and depth.
This I got very excited about, so ............
Here is the beginning of my two 'goddesses' (one public on the left and one private on the right). You can see I've been working on the left hand side with more hatching. I started by pencil drawing the portraits (not very much shading) and going over the drawing with the ball point pen, then rubbing out the pencil. Point of no return is when you start hatching with the pen 'cos you can't rub out!
Anyway, this is my finished page, with a little colour added representing day and night or light and dark or sun and moon. and a few words. The idea is to realise everyone has 'two faces' but they work in harmony. This is the first time I have tried drawing in ball point pen - I loved it and will certainly try again!!
The next workshop is around the 6th Feb. so till then .........