Kim's challenge for Texture Tuesday is 'Gardening'. I've had a whale of a time rushing in and out between showers, trying to take some inspirational pix of the 'tools of the trade' we have in the log house, inside an old wooden wardrobe!
Perhaps I should explain the loghouse is an original stone and cob smithy, a place for shoeing horses, about 200 years old. It was reroofed when our home was built, and we keep all our gardening equipment in it, plus all the logs for the fire - thus Log House!More tools, at the bottom of the cupboard ....
Gardening to me definitely means slugs, snails and slug pellets .......
The very old rusty wheelbarrow we inherited with the house, when we moved here 20 years ago!!
We bought the old tools with us ......
Well, I quite like this image, perhaps I could do something with that. These three items are in constant use at the moment, mostly for weeding ......
Some good pots, some bad, and some in between - lovely texture on that rim!!
Well, I finally decided to crop this one and have a play in Photoshop Elements. The free textures I used from Kim were Yesteryear, History, and the new one for this week Old Linen.
This is really what gardening is to me (as well as the hard work and all that digging!) A poppy I bought some years ago called Patti's Plum - and she makes all the hard work well worth while.
If you'd like to see how the others have risen to the 'gardening challenge' do click on Kim's Tuesday Texture button, on the right hand side.
Till next time .....